After an alien spacecraft destroys Washington, D.C., the residents of a small town must fight off a unit of alien soldiers on the hunt for the President of the United States and the mysterious device he's carrying after his escape chopper crash lands nearby.


  1. 1挑战2023 7.9
  2. 2孤立无援 0.0
  3. 3极北之战 3.7
  4. 4食人虫 9.0
  5. 5无法治愈 3.4
  6. 6海王2:失落的王国 6.7
  7. 7仿生人 0.0
  8. 8尼可曼斯 5.0
  9. 9超人归来 2.0
  10. 10天外来菌 7.0
  11. 11鲨卷风 5.0
  12. 12魔幻西游2之伏魔篇 1.0
  13. 13海市蜃城 3.0
  14. 14猩球崛起 4.0
  15. 15挑灯斩蛇录 7.0
  16. 16流星的启示 6.0
  17. 17海王 5.0
  18. 18黑狼行动之迷你侠 10.0
  19. 19至暗之时 1.0
  20. 20邪恶小分队 1.0
  21. 21异星绑架 4.0
  22. 22逃离猩球 6.0
  23. 23I型起源 6.0
  24. 24太阴指 9.0
  25. 25仿生超极限 0.0
  26. 26血与雪 0.0
  27. 27哥布林 6.0
  28. 28Nneka漂亮的蛇 0.0
  29. 29SatriaDewa:Gatotkaca 0.0
  30. 30岁月自珍 7.1