In the not so distant future, society is controlled by the powerful State and a dictator known as the Director. Condor works as a hitman for the State, but a reunion with someone he thought was dead forces him to consider who his enemies really are. -by-


  1. 1哥斯拉大战金刚2:帝国崛起 0.0
  2. 2复仇者联盟4:终局之战 2.0
  3. 3星际迷航3:超越星辰 4.0
  4. 4星际迷航 10.0
  5. 5头号玩家 2.0
  6. 6幻想之地 1.0
  7. 7御龙修仙传 6.0
  8. 8黑暗阴影 5.0
  9. 9决战猩球 5.0
  10. 10无法治愈 3.4
  11. 11海王2:失落的王国 6.7
  12. 12闪电侠 0.0
  13. 13仿生人 0.0
  14. 14黑暗球体 0.0
  15. 15尼可曼斯 5.0
  16. 16摩登如来神掌 6.0
  17. 17超人归来 2.0
  18. 18天外来菌 7.0
  19. 19鲨卷风 5.0
  20. 20魔幻西游2之伏魔篇 1.0
  21. 21海市蜃城 3.0
  22. 22猩球崛起 4.0
  23. 23挑灯斩蛇录 7.0
  24. 24流星的启示 6.0
  25. 25海王 5.0
  26. 26黑狼行动之迷你侠 10.0
  27. 27河妖 10.0
  28. 28至暗之时 1.0
  29. 29邪恶小分队 1.0
  30. 30魔法师的学徒 9.0